
First blog post

This is the post excerpt.

Hi there, my name is Diana Bettinson and my friends call me Di. I am a published author of children’s’ books and I’m currently putting the finishing touches to my fiction novel ‘April Fool’. I love to write stories and poetry and also enjoy horse riding and acting at The Seagull Theatre.

If you would like to touch base with me on social media here are the links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dbettinson/

Twitter:  @Dibett

Hope you’re having a super weekend x

Pic of Di~put on her blog


Some Jumbled thoughts

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the push from the government towards electric cars. I just wonder how we are all going to charge them? Some people live in terrace houses and have on road parking. Are they going to have to leave a cable trailing across the pavement?  Walking down that street in the dark will be a bit of an obstacle course, especially as the street lights are turned off at midnight to save the councils money.

When everyone arrives home at between 5 and 6pm and they all plug in how will the power stations cope with that extra outage? Will we all have a sudden drop in power?

The batteries are huge and the cost to the environment of making them is immense. How will we dispose of them?  How much Lithium is there in the world. I have heard various estimates of how long it will last us from 18 years to maybe 30 years. How long before we find that they are putting out something harmful that will make people ill? So why the push for electricity? Should we not be looking at Hydrogen? Lets face it we are not going back to horse and cart are we? Just a thought.

kindle walking trees picMy new book is out now. Detective Chief Inspector Crumb investigates the brutal murder of a prominent member of society. The lady in question has been missing for three days after having caused uproar, anger and fear amongst her family and embarrassment to all connected to her. But who hated her and her actions enough to kill her?


New Novel

‘That girl will be the death of me, I swear I will swing for her. Up and down, up and down like a nodding sodding dog.’
Esme and Gris looked at each other quizzically ‘Nodding dog?’
‘Oh, you know those stupid things people used to have on their car dash boards. Dogs that nod. What the hell am I explaining myself to you for? Bloody curtsying every, bloody time she came in the bloody room. She was in and out of that room, must have been a hundred times. My knees are killing me now. The bitch enjoyed it, watching me bobbing up and down demeaning myself.’
The wicked Step Mother was in one of her rages and most of the people in Hardwick Hall thought it would be prudent to get out of the way.
Griselda, however thought it was high time that her mother accepted the situation. She and Esme were about to be married. Cinderella had introduced them to two very respectable gentlemen who were to become husbands to the so called ‘Ugly sisters.’
‘We could have gone to the work room to look at the samples. You insisted on staying in the parlor.’
The slap Gris received was not entirely out of the blue but sudden enough for her not to avoid it. Oh yes, her Mother was in a rage and it would be likely to last for several days.
‘Get out, you stupid girls, if your feet were not so big we would all be living in the Palace by now, one of you married to the Prince. Get out, Get out. And send in my maid’.

Jumbled thoughts

I have too many started projects bouncing around in my head. Fantasy, poetry, children’s books which will need illustrations which I would dearly love to do myself. and load of other short stories that are screaming to be written. But I need to focus. Now that the weather has cooled a bit and I can come indoors perhaps I should stop sunbathing and get on with them.

Seagulls flying by

Seagulls flying past the garden over my head.
Calling each other. I wonder what they said.
Two little baby grey ones go by
Behind some adults they fly.
Mum, slow down I need the loo,
I’ve got to stop and do a poo.
You are a bird and you have to do it on the wing.
If we stop now we won’t get the thing.
I feel sick I have to stop.
Not stopping till we get to the top.
Are we nearly there yet?
Not long now, watch for the net.
Mum, he touched me tell him off.
I didn’t, I didn’t, I needed to cough.
Keep up you baby birds don’t fly so slow.
You can do better we’ll be there in just a mo.
Flying direct, you should be fine
Just keep going in a nice straight line.
I’m Hungry Mum, I need to eat.
On the beach where we all meet,
We find you some tasty fish.
And give it to you on a dish.
Wait for me mummy, its’ too fast
My energy won’t last
Nearly there now not long to go
And we will be safe from the foe.
So, do parents always say the same
When their kids won’t refrain
From complaining and moaning and yelling
and tall tales on each other telling?


Warm one isn’t it?

No matter how warm and sunny it is out there I will finish this first draft. I will. I have only a few more words to get down on paper and one more argument for my main character to have with her own mind and it’s done.  I just need to concentrate and get on with it. But the sun is calling me and I just want to sit and enjoy my garden. NO! be firm with yourself and get on with that last chapter. Ge the story down on paper and  then relax in the garden. I do hope the weather stays like this for a few more days. Front cover on Amazon

no not this one. This one is already out there. Have you got a copy yet?


Happy days XX

A new outlet for my latest book.

Today I met a lovely Lady in Halesworth book shop who kindly took in three of my books April Fools.   halesworth book shop.

42 Thoroughfare, Halesworth Suffolk.

Front cover on Amazon  I will be taking Mouseapilla and Gari in as well soon. It’s always good to know that people are willing to give some shop space up for local authors.  So, of the four things I wanted to do today in Halesworth I achieved three of them. I needed to collect my contact lenses, done!. Take the poorly husband out for lunch, done! Visit the bookshop, done! Take some jewellery in to be mended, not done!  They were closed. Never mind I have to go ack on Saturday so I can do that job then.

Front cover

Di B front cover

Happy days.


I have seen and read that authors reviews are being taken down form their Amazon page. Sometimes Amazon believe that the reviews were not genuine or they feel that there are too many. What ever their reason I feel this is unfair.  But Amazon is not the only platform that you can use to tell people about a book that you like. If you have any of the social media pages you can put your review on there.  We writers like reviews. We know we like our books or we would not have published them, but we like to hear from other people as well. Constructive criticism is always useful. So dear friends if you like a book then tell the world on all your social media channels.